Wiltered Fire Utilities

3-Trojans  v0.9


Air File  v1.1


AnonMail  v1.0


Area Codes v1.0 (For  DOS)


Area Codes v1.0 (For  Windows)


BombSquad  v1.0


CGIBomb  v1.0


DictMaker v1.0 (For  Windows)


DictMaker v1.0 (For  DOS)


Death n Destruction (Denial  of Service)


Doh!  v1.0


Encrypt It v0.1b (For  Windows 3.1)


FakeFile v1.0 (For  Windows)


FakeFile v1.0 (For  DOS)


FakeID  v3.0


FormMail Bomber  v1.5


HDFill  Trojan


Hotel Fone Secrets  v1.0


Hacking Tools  v2.0


MSIE Utilties Suite  v1.0


KillFile v2.0 (For  Windows)


KillFile v2.0  (For Unix)


KillTree  v1.0


ListMerger  v1.0


Mailbox Killer  v1.0


NetPack  v1.0


NetPack  v2.0


Netscape Utilities Suite  v1.0


Wiltered OTP  v1.01


PassGen  v1.0a


Remote Attack Suite  v1.1


Satellite Chat  v1.0


SmartPass  v1.0


TTYP  Logger


Stupid Unix Pranks  P1


Stupid Unix Pranks  P2


Country Codes  v2.0


Country Codes v2.0 (For  Windows)


WilterCrypt  v2.0


WilterCrypt v2.0 (For  Windows)


WilterKeep  v1.0b


WordList Maker  v1.0b



WARNING! READ CAREFULLY! This cd-rom contains information and tools that can be used to exploit computer and network security. The primary purpose of this CD-ROM is to aid security professionals in combating the tools and techniques used by malicious hackers. Under no circumstances should this CD-ROM be used to illegally circumvent computer or network security.